Okay so it has been WAY to long since I have had a post. Since I started school last may I have gotten busier and unfortunately my blogging went out the wayside!
Anyway Seth and I are currently on the lovely journey called "Whole 30". If you are not sure what Whole 30 is it is a 30 day challenge where you cut out dairy, grains, legumes, added sugars, and artificial sweeteners. So you basically eat meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, potatoes and eggs for 30 days.

Seth and I are generally very unhealthy in our eating habits! We generally ate fast food multiple times a week, ate processed frozen dinners, and way too many desserts. So when we decided to try Whole 30 we knew it would be a little bit challenging for us. We started on March 2nd and have officially made it over halfway today! Last night I had a party with girls from work and I was so tempted to cheat, but I'm so thankful I held strong and didn't! I think it will be really rewarding for Seth and I to be able to say we completed a full Whole 30 without having any cheats.
I wanted to share just some of the things Seth and I have been eating and loving!
Now we had to make some alterations to this recipe because we obviously can't have cheese, but it gives you a great idea on cook times for the spaghetti squash. Also you have to make sure you get a pasta sauce with no sugars added and to make it more filling we added hamburger to the sauce.
Seth is ALL about hot wings so when we found a version that was Whole 30 approved he was so excited. He really liked them and I made a lot so we had leftovers for days after.
These mashed potatoes were a game changer! They were so delicious and felt like comfort food. They were made with Ghee and Coconut milk so they were Whole 30 approved, but still SO delicious.
Obviously again you will need to alter this recipe to take out the cheese, but this is what Seth has been eating every morning for breakfast before work. On Sundays I'm able to prep all of Seth's breakfast for the week. It's really quick and easy and Seth has said much more filling then his normal breakfast of cereal would be.
I LOVE shrimp! This recipe was super easy to make. I got frozen cauliflower in the steam-able bags. So all I had to do was season and cook the shrimp and throw riced cauliflower in the microwave. Super quick, easy, and delicious.
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